I'm a former professional magician, Norwegian/Finish half-on-half and creator of Powerscan and simplemantrameditation.com. I travel full-time focusing on New York City and Lisbon. Currently working for Ramit Sethi's IWT and building digital products for
co-living spaces at Kin.
... Kalle designed many of our biggest optimization wins. His designs were not only on brand and polished, they moved our key metrics and helped us hit our goals as a team.
Lars Lofgren, Director for Growth at IWT & Former Director of Growth at Kissmetrics
I joined the company at the same time as Kalle and got the opportunity to see him transition into a management role. Despite the overwhelming responsibilities he grew to fill the new position in a really short amount of time, owning and crushing his team's goals.
Victor Espigares, Bestselling author and Founder of VisualizeUs
An extremely talented product manager with a large heart and passion for self education. One of the most talented and driven product guys I've ever met.
David Pomfret, Senior UX designer with 8+ years experience